Dayton, Ohio
This show featured a night a amature Muay Thai bouts (Promoted by Manuel Taningco) headlined by Ben Yelle vs. Jason Dent. The main event between Ben and Jason would take place under Proffessional Muay Thai rules (No shin guards, no head gear, 12oz. gloves, and would consist of five 2 minute rounds. Jumping straight into the fight, Jason won rounds 1 & 2, while Ben picked up rounds 3,4 and 5. My hat is off to Ben not only is he a great fighter but he is also a cool guy too. I look foward to meeting him in the ring again in the future. For my own ego I must add that I left some trophys on his face in the form of a black eye and huge purple bubble under his left eye. To Bens credit he chopped the shit out of my leg, (Looks like we will be doing a lot more Thai Blocks in class in the near future !) I would like to thank Ryan Madigan and Mike Russo for coming out and supporting me. Ryan did a fantastic job of wrapping my hands, ankles, and stretching me out. Well, I guess its back to class to get ready for the next fight !